Песня и клип на тему Майнкрафта «Alone»

Категория: Видео Дата: 12-02-2013, 17:50

Песня и клип на тему Майнкрафта «Alone»
Вы видели когда нибудь песни об играх, в данном случае я имею ввиду конкретную игры - minecraft? В этой новости вы можете послушать очень приятную песню о майнкрафте. Также, зайдя в новость вы можете ознакомиться со словами данной песни (на английском, перевода пока нет). Это все должно быть вам интересно, если вы фанат данной игры, то вам обязательно нужно ее прослушать, правда с прослушиванием может у некоторых возникнуть большая проблема, данная песня не на русском языке. Но я просто уверен, что будут люди которым она должна обязательно понравиться.

Текст песни:
I'm on a cold-street trying to run home
All of my health I used on you
Where has my sword gone?
Everything's all wrong, where is the trail I left for two,

Yeah, the blocks are so hard to render,
The Creepers we used to see,
It's even harder to clamber
On top of the trees next to me,
You say it's too late to try it,
But is it too late to die?
And in the time you were mining
All of our buildings burned down

You've killed all my knights
You burned down the lights
Now I'm all aloneeee
Still stuck in that that hole, when you blew it up
But even the sun sets in paradise...

I'm on a cold-street trying to run home
All of my health I used on you
Where has my sword gone?
Everything's all gone, where is the trail I left for two,

If all the creepers never did exist...
I would still be fighting here like this...
All those zombies are is rotten flesh
One more stupid creeper I'll be dead...

You turned your back on a creeper
Cause you forgot yesterday
I gave you my sword to borrow
But you just gave it away
You can't expect me to be stay here...
I don't expect you to fight
I know I've said it before
But all of our buildings burnt down,

You've killed all my knights
You burned down the lights
Now I'm all aloneeee
Still stuck in that that hole,
when you blew it up
But even the sun sets in paradise...

I'm on a cold street trying to run home
All of my health I used on you
Where has my sword gone
Everything's all wrong, where is the trail I left for you?

If all the creepers never did exist...
I would still be fighting here like this...
All those zombies are is rotten flesh
One more stupid creeper I'll be dead...

Now I'm on a cold street...


витёк - Посетители
27 февраля 2013 21:41
прекраасно man_redface
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Etcherla - Гости
5 марта 2013 09:37
Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and rnuinng.
Звание: ---


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